General 2884 topics
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News 105 topicsRead about the latest happenings of our site!
General Chat 1377 topicsThis is just for general car chat and info people
Newbies 239 topicsThis is for all you new members to say hi
Show Pic of Your Cars 395 topicsPost pictures of your car, One car per topic please
J-n-C Project Cars 15 topicsSomewhere to watch the progerss of some of our members more serious projects
Gossip Room 399 topicsTalk about anything else you want which is non car related
Videos and Stuff 284 topicsAdd your links to video files, and any other thinkg you might find on the net
Shout Outs 60 topicsif you have had some good work done let people know.
Forum/Site Links 10 topicsLinks to other forums and websites we know and use
Motorsport 39 topics
Meets and Events 296 topics
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Midlands Meets 158 topicsArrange local meets amoungst yourselves for those members that live in the Midlands.
Northern Meets No topicsArrange local meets between yourselves for those of you who live north of the Midlands
Southern Meets No topicsArrange local meets between yourselves for those members that live south of the Midlands.
Events 138 topicsDates and details of upcoming events and club meets, to be announced by Staff only
Technical 191 topics
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Engine and Transmission 114 topicsAny questions or issues post em up here
Chassis 17 topicsFor all ur suspension, brakes, wheels etc. questions
Electrical 20 topicsFor anything with wires including stereo systems
Bodywork and Interior 12 topicsPost up any help you need with this area or show us the work you have done
Manuals and General Info 28 topicsOnline Manuals and any info you may find about Jap motors u find interesting
Buying and Selling 547 topics
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